Intensive Bridal Makeup & Hairstyling Course
Course Duration
Full Time - 2 months / Part Time - 4 months
Training material is provided for this course
About The Course
Intensive Bridal Makeup & Hairstyling Course has the compact content all regarding bridal makeup and hairstyling. Learner will go through all classes for one round only, equipped themselves with professional skills and techniques, be ready to be ventured into the bridal makeup field in a short period of time.
Course Content
1. The Concept of Makeup 化妆的定义
2. The Definition of Various Makeup and Its Purpose 各种化妆类别的定义和目的
3. Basic Chromatology 基础色彩学
4. Knowledge of Makeup Tools and Products 化妆工具和产品的认识
5. Makeup Aesthetics 化妆美学
6. Eyebrow Shape Knowledge & Design 眉型的认识与设计
7. Eyebrow Shaping and Correction 眉型描画与修饰技巧
8. Standard Eye Shape Knowledge 标准眼型的认识
9. Different Eyeshadow Blending Technique and Design 各种眼影晕染技法与设计
10. Eye Shape Correction 眼型修饰技巧
• Eyeshadow, Eyeliner, Eyelash, Double Eyelid Tape 眼影、眼线、睫毛、双眼皮贴
11. Nose Shape Correction 鼻型修饰技巧
12. Mouth Shape Correction 唇型修饰技巧
13. Face Shape Correction 脸型五官及轮廓修饰技巧
14. Standard Makeup Procedure 标准化妆操作程式
15. Perfect Foundation 完美底妆
16. Nude Makeup 裸妆
17. One-point Eye Makeup 一色眼影
18. Two-point Eye Makeup 二色眼影
19. Makeup Artist Professional Image 彩妆师专业形象
20. Basic Hairstyling 基本发型
• Usage of Various Hairstyling Tools 各种发型工具的运用
• Basic Braids Styling 基本编发
• Basic Hairstyles 基本发型
21. Bridal Day Makeup 新娘日妆
22. Bridal Photoshoot Makeup 新娘摄影妆
23. Bridal Dinner Makeup 新娘晚妆
24. Classic Bridal Makeup 古典新娘妆
25. Women's Makeup 女生妆/女生时尚妆
26. Men's Makeup 男生妆/男生时尚妆
27. Korean Makeup 韩式妆
28. Dinner Makeup 晚宴妆
*The classes run for only 1 round.